Privacy Information

There is little that is more personal than one’s healthcare data, and the information that is contained within pathology reports is often especially sensitive.

We recognize this, and we therefore take the matter of your privacy extremely seriously.

Because of that, we  do not send out copies of your reports to anyone except your physician(s), and then only by fax or through the electronic medical record.  We do not put patient information into the mail.

If you need a copy of your report, we recommend obtaining one through your physician.  If, for some reason, that is not possible, then medical records at the hospital can also provide a copy.  You may call them (at Piedmont Atlanta: 404-605-3285; at Piedmont Fayette: 770-719-7061).

In advance we apologize for any inconvenience these policies may cause, but we hope you’ll agree that such steps are necessary to, as much as is possible, safeguard the privacy of you and the rest of our patients.